Monday, February 18, 2008

One list where I am glad we are not at the top

I was listening to Clark Howard the other day (I really enjoy his show on talk radio) and he was talking about the top 10 cities with the most foreclosures. Well, working in Orlando I was ready to hear our name. I was so surprised! Even Atlanta was higher than us on the list!
I guess the surprise is based on how many people are calling me in crisis, or how many pre-foreclosures I see when I am out showing property to my clients. It is encouraging to know that as a city, we have the possibility of bouncing back within a few years.
The information on foreclosures can be found on
Although we are not in the top 10, we are number 20 on the list.
As I research about the market on a daily basis, I want to keep on top of these statistics so I can best serve my clients. If you have a home to sell, or want to buy something in this market, please contact me through my website,

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