Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mickey's interest rate comment (a couple of days late)

Hello everyone!
The interest rate comment this week is a little late because I was out of town for a few days. I took a trip up to NC....I used to live there, and it was strange being back in cold weather! Of course, when I got back here, it was chilly as well.....
Here is the comment from Mickey, mortgage broker extraordinaire:
Mortgage interest rates continue to climb this week as long-term lenders fret over the threat of inflation. Inflation robs returns so lenders demand higher yields. Buyer/borrowers seeking 30 year fixed rate mortgages can expect rates in a range from 6.375% to 6.875% without paying discount points. Actual rate depends upon loan size and the borrower's creditworthiness. As you can see, the low rates of six weeks ago are a fleeting memory.
This quote was surprising to me, given what we have been hearing in the press, but it is best to stay informed!
If you have any questions, contact me at