Part two, on getting rid of your stuff:
4. Perhaps you have some nice items you know longer want. Consider selling them on (free) or (nominal fee). My friend Allison has had great success selling things on a mirror, cell phone, and other furniture!
5. If you have a lot of stuff to donate, you can check out and Also consider your favorite local charities and and Remember that items donated in good condition or better are tax deductible---check out
6. If you hold a yard sale, consider getting the neighbors in on the action. A larger sale may mean more buyers.
7. If you have a lot of clothes, you may want to have a clothes swap with friends. When I lived in Canada, we held one at work after hours. Our coordinator did an amazing job, including food and a funny fashion show with some of the donated items. (I was the southern MC...I'm scared pictures may be available for circulating) We had so much fun, and all the clothes that were left over were donated to Dress for Success and Goodwill. I still have a pair of white pants that I picked up during the party, and I will take them to my grave!