When you get ready to sell your home, many struggle with having too much stuff in their house. Many are selling to move to a larger home, having outgrown the current one. It makes sense that the closets will be filled, and the garage stuffed.
Here is part one of tips to de-clutter your home:
1. Pace yourself. Going through all your items can be time consuming and stressful. Take one closet or area a day, or set aside an hour every couple of days.
2. Plan to move items out of the house so the closets will be useful. Overstuffed closets make the house appear too small. Consider renting a storage unit, or store your goods at a friend's house.
3. When emptying the closet, set aside four boxes for items: 1. storage; 2. donation; 3. to another room or closet 4. trash. Running from room to room wastes time.
tune into tomorrow for additional suggestions tomorrow......