Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Weekly interest rate comment from Mickey Carlton

Mickey's latest interest rate comment, as well as some info about his company:
Mortgage rates are slightly worse than last week. Thirty-year fixed rate loans can be obtained (without discount points) for 6.25% to 6.625% depending upon loan size and creditworthiness of the borrower.

Thomas Mortgage is a correspondent banker, meaning that we have "correspondent" relationships with multiple investors. A client came to us yesterday in search of 100% financing on a million dollar plus property. Zero down loans in the "super jumbo" range are difficult to obtain. The client's local banks had both turned him down. I managed to locate an investor (new to me) that specializes in super jumbos. The client now has an option that was formerly not available to him. This is the advantage of seeking mortgage assistance from companies who have multiple sources of fundings. Not even the biggest banks cover every niche.

60 Minutes misses the mark on the MLS

The National Association of Realtors, of which I am a member, wrote an article in response to the 60 Minutes Show on their May 13th segment. As a person who values the truth, sometimes to the point of over explaining, I was very disappointed by the inaccuracies in the report.
I have decided to reprint the article issued by the NAR in it's entirety:

CBS News Magazine Show Misses the Mark
May 14, 2007 -- In the world of political campaigns, it's a standard ploy to set the stage with an empty chair when one candidate refuses to debate his opponents. The CBS show 60 Minutes gave the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® the empty chair treatment in a May 13 segment that examined the impact of online brokerages on the real estate industry. The show featured interviews with a representative from the now-defunct eRealty and the president and CEO of Redfin, but no one from NAR, even though NAR twice offered and prepared Association spokespersons for interviews with Leslie Stahl. It was CBS that made the decision it would rather interview our opponents and let them make unanswered -- and inaccurate and unfair -- accusations about REALTORS® and NAR policies. The one-sided journalism and egregious errors served no one well, especially the once-vaunted news magazine show.
NAR staff spent nearly a year working with CBS, briefing producers on the issues involved. The producers attended the REALTORS® Conference in New Orleans and met with NAR's legal counsel for half a day in Chicago. Yet, still the segment was full of major errors. NAR is in communication with 60 Minutes about its unbalanced reporting and presentation of misinformation and will be sending the CBS network a letter demanding an opportunity to correct these errors and misrepresentations. Here are some examples of the misinformation:
Error: The six percent commission is "sacrosanct."
Fact: All commissions are negotiable. The average commission rate is not 6 percent, but 5.1 percent, according to Real Trends.
Error: NAR is the industry's "governing body."
Fact: NAR is a trade association. It does not govern the industry.
Error: In 2003, NAR issued new rules of its own that threatened to block Internet discounters' access to the MLS.
Fact: The Virtual Office Website policy did not block access to MLSs for discounters or any other brokers who are members of the MLS.
Error: The MLS is the database that lists virtually every home for sale in the country.
Fact: There is no single national MLS. Rather, there are more than 900 local and regional multiple listing services. These are not simply "databases" but private exchange of offers of cooperation and compensation between real estate brokers.
Error: Eight states have "minimum service laws" that require REALTORS® to provide a level of service many Internet discounters can't afford.
Fact: "REALTOR®" is a trademarked term and should never be used synonymously with "real estate agent." The intent of minimum service laws is to ensure consumers receive a minimal level of service from licensees.
Error: The brokerage industry has a powerful lobby. Eleven states flatly prohibit rebates.
Fact: The intent of anti-rebate laws is to prevent kickbacks in real estate transactions, not to limit brokers' incentives to attract customers. The brokerage industry does not lobby for anti-rebate laws.
Other key points 60 Minutes misrepresented or overlooked:
NAR supports all business models and favors none. Our 1.3 million members include REALTORS® who work on a full-service basis, as well as those who consider themselves to be limited service, fee-for-service, minimum service, and discounters. We think it's great that consumers have a choice today.
The real estate industry has harnessed technology for the benefit of consumers and will continue to do so. Real estate is both high-tech and high-touch, so can be enhanced by both electronic and personal interaction.
There is no such thing as a "standard commission." Commissions are negotiable and prices vary. The fact is that commission rates have decreased 16 percent from 1991 to 2004 (source: Real Trends).
The real estate business is unique in that competitors must also cooperate with each other to ensure a successful transaction, and MLS systems facilitate that cooperation. The first MLS was created more than 100 years ago as way for brokers to share their listing agreements with each another in hopes of procuring buyers for their properties more quickly and efficiently than they could on their own.
The MLS is a tool to help listing brokers find cooperative buyer brokers to help sell their clients' homes. Without the collaborative incentive of the existing MLS, brokers would create their own separate systems, fragmenting rather than consolidating property information.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

weekly mortgage quote from Mickey Carlton

Weekly (05/08/07) rate comment from Mickey Carlton:

Interest rates remain mired in the 6.125% to 6.625% range for 30 yr fixed mortgages without points or origination fees. A borrower's actual rate is dependent on the loan amount and the his/her creditworthiness.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

More people moving to Orlando soon

One interesting statistic that will affect the housing market in Orlando----the job market statistics.....Orlando was named the HOTTEST JOB MARKET in the nation, according to Business 2.0 Magazine. Approximately 72,600 new jobs coming our way in the next two years.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Interest rates for the week of May 2nd

Interest rate comment for 5/2/07 from my pal Mickey Carlton:

Interest rates for residential mortgages remain very stable in the 6.25% to 6.625% range for 30 year fixed mortgages without discount points. The actual rate will depend upon loan size and the creditworthiness of the borrower.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

why you need a realtor

I know--ha ha--a realtor explaining why you need one of us. Yet it seems odd that people regularly go to their accountant for finance and tax questions, their lawyer for legal questions, and their doctor for medical questions. These are all specialized fields, with unique terms, rules, and areas of expertise, just like real estate. What do Realtors offer?

1. Real estate transactions are not easy. A real estate consultant can help you navigate legal contracts, give expertise on the pricing with statistics and research, and help you should a crisis during the process occur.

2. Transactions take a lot of time. Houses stay on the market for an average of over 90 days right now. Realtors spend every day learning the market, marketing, and networking. A lot goes on behind the scenes that is valuable. Once the property is sold, that is just the beginning of the process. Many things have to happen to get the property to closing.

4. Objectivity is needed when buying/selling. Home often symbolizes family, rest, and security--it is a very emotional undertaking. It is the biggest purchase a person will ever make. Having a concerned but objective 3rd party helps you keep focused on the right issues.

5. Market knowledge is necessary to price the home competitively. If you are contemplating selling your home, you may know what one or two homes nearby have sold for, but you don’t have the access to the market knowledge to adjust pricing.

6. Representation in the home selling process is key. Have an agent handle criticism of the house. As a trained professional, a Realtor is more attuned to the buyers’ needs and able to highlight the home’s features that have the most appeal to each buyer.

7. Real estate agents can provide trusted mortgage financing advice. That includes assessing a buyers’ ability to afford the property and help them locate the best places to obtain financing. Agents are also more experienced in prequalifying buyers so that they will not make an offer on a home they cannot afford.

8. Realtors know how to negotiate and overcome objections. Balancing offers and counteroffers, as well as handling many of the contingencies that usually accompany real estate transactions, can be frustrating or frightening.

9. Are you sure the transaction will close? Many think that once the purchase agreement is signed, the work is over. Many things are still needed, including: home inspection, termite inspection, title insurance, building permits for improvements, and so forth.