Monday, April 9, 2007

A mortgage that sounds to good to be true?

If your inbox is anything like mine, I get about 5 requests a day for a mortgage or to refinance my home. Also, almost every website I visit has an ad for a loan product that says I can buy a $500,000 house for about $10.00 a month.....OK, it's not $10, but it might as well say that for the chance you have of getting that kind of deal. I don't care if you have an 800 credit score (the highest available)----you'll end up paying for these incredible offers in the end.
Don't jeopardize your credit---get these offers checked out. You can contact me at, or contact one of the loan officers I have listed on my website. If you don't feel comfortable contacting one of us, you can educate yourself at: They offer pamphlets explaining all the terms, and offering sound advice on what to expect from different loan packages.
Know the risks before you sign the bottom line!

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